Palo Alto Adult Soccer League


Spring 2025 (Jan 5-May 26)

  Sunday League
    Rosters -  ABW

  Evening League
    Rosters -  EAEBEW

Site navigation

  BOD Letter
  Player Conduct Policy
  Coordinator Responsibilities
  Notification Request
  Referee Feedback
  Player Passes
  Field Locations
  City Fields Permits
  JLS Goal Storage
  PAASL Rules
  Palo Alto Administrivia
  PAASL Board of Directors
Other sites
  FIFA Rules
  Menlo Atherton Adult Soccer League (women)


The City of Palo Alto does not have enough field space for all user demand. In order to maintain our priority status as a non-profit adult organization and our current Sunday and Evening field permits, we must ensure that our PAASL teams are comprised of a minimum of 35% Palo Alto residents. PAASL may adjust our registration capacity and number of teams per session in order to conform to these guidelines.

PAASL understands that these changes may adversely affect some of our valued organization members. PAASL is concerned about these potential implications and has worked extensively with the City and local soccer community to maintain our field permit priority which is critical for our organization's success and sustainability.