Palo Alto Adult Soccer League
PAASL is a San Francisco Bay Area soccer league for men and women ages 25 and over. All players register for each playing session as an individual and will be assigned to a team, with an effort to create equal teams. As standings and scores are purposely not kept, PAASL strives to operate an organized yet recreational soccer experience. Fees per player vary based on session length, but are approximately $90-170 per session. The Sunday league has three seasons per year, one in the Spring (January to May), one in the Summer (June to August), and one in the Fall (Labor Day to December). Games are played on Sundays between 8am to 2pm. The primary locations for games are Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School (next to Mitchell Park), Mayfield Sports Complex (Page Mill and El Camino) and El Camino Park (across from Stanford Mall), all in Palo Alto. There are three divisions: Men's A (more competitive), Men's B (less competitive), and Women's. The Evening league also has three seasons per year. Games are played at 8:30pm on either Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. The primary locations for games are Mayfield Sports Complex (Page Mill and El Camino) and El Camino Park (across from Stanford Mall) in Palo Alto. There are three divisions, similar to the Sunday league. |